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ARS 7 Custom SQL Port

I'm trying to install ARS and connect to our SQL instance. The port for the server isn't the default 1433. I found some documentation to put SERVERNAME, portnumber but it fails instantly when I do it this way.

  • This is a known issue in the Active Roles Configuration Center at the moment and will hopefully be fixed soon. In the meantime, you can configure the Active Roles instance by using a cmdlet in the Active Roles Management Shell like this (properly modified for your SQL server, instance, port, and database name):

    $svcadminpwd = get-credential
    New-ARService -DatabaseName 'ActiveRoles72'  -DatabaseServer 'tcsql3\ars,50682' -ServiceAccountCredential $svcadminpwd -DSAdministrators 'BUILTIN\Administrators' | Out-Null

    You will be prompted for the credentials of the service account which you wish to use, and then the service will be configured as per the parameters provided. 'DSAdministrators' should be the Active Directory Group which you want to assign the Active Roles Admin Role.

    You may need to check out some of the other parameters on this cmdlet if your configuration is a little more complicated.
  • This is a known issue in the Active Roles Configuration Center at the moment and will hopefully be fixed soon. In the meantime, you can configure the Active Roles instance by using a cmdlet in the Active Roles Management Shell like this (properly modified for your SQL server, instance, port, and database name):

    $svcadminpwd = get-credential
    New-ARService -DatabaseName 'ActiveRoles72'  -DatabaseServer 'tcsql3\ars,50682' -ServiceAccountCredential $svcadminpwd -DSAdministrators 'BUILTIN\Administrators' | Out-Null

    You will be prompted for the credentials of the service account which you wish to use, and then the service will be configured as per the parameters provided. 'DSAdministrators' should be the Active Directory Group which you want to assign the Active Roles Admin Role.

    You may need to check out some of the other parameters on this cmdlet if your configuration is a little more complicated.
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