Help in creating dynamic group using powershell using Include group members

Does anyone have an example of a PowerShell script of creating a dynamic group based upon the "Include by group membership" & "Include Explicit" rules? I'm able to setup groups using the Include by query rule.

FYI, I tried following the instruction from IEDMMembershipRule in the SDK but not luck.

  • There are six Dynamic Group rule types:

    1: "Include by query"
    2: "Exclude by query"
    3: "Include explicitly"
    4: "Exclude explicitly"
    5: "Include group members"
    6: "Exclude group members"

    These rules are referred to internally by their numbers, as described in the above list.

    So, the sample that you will find in the Wiki at is for Rule 1, "Include by query"

    It has a "Base", a "Filter", and a "Type".

    The Base is the search root, the filter is the LDAP filter, and the type is 1.

    If you are explicitly specifying an object or a group, you don't need a filter. Just specify the base and the type.

    So, like this:

    $objGroup = [ADSI] "EDMS://CN=GroupName,OU=Dynamic Groups,DC=lab,DC=local"
    $objRuleCollection = $objGroup.MembershipRuleCollection
    $rule1 = New-Object -ComObject "EDSIManagedUnitCondition"
    $rule1.Base = "EDMS://CN=John McTest,OU=One Account,DC=lab,DC=local"

  • There are six Dynamic Group rule types:

    1: "Include by query"
    2: "Exclude by query"
    3: "Include explicitly"
    4: "Exclude explicitly"
    5: "Include group members"
    6: "Exclude group members"

    These rules are referred to internally by their numbers, as described in the above list.

    So, the sample that you will find in the Wiki at is for Rule 1, "Include by query"

    It has a "Base", a "Filter", and a "Type".

    The Base is the search root, the filter is the LDAP filter, and the type is 1.

    If you are explicitly specifying an object or a group, you don't need a filter. Just specify the base and the type.

    So, like this:

    $objGroup = [ADSI] "EDMS://CN=GroupName,OU=Dynamic Groups,DC=lab,DC=local"
    $objRuleCollection = $objGroup.MembershipRuleCollection
    $rule1 = New-Object -ComObject "EDSIManagedUnitCondition"
    $rule1.Base = "EDMS://CN=John McTest,OU=One Account,DC=lab,DC=local"

  • Is this correct? Group1 is the group I intend to create & group2 is the group I want to include group members. I see that it create the group but the not dynamic & the rules are not applied.

    Connect-QADService -Proxy

    $GroupName = "Group1"
    $rule1 = New-Object -ComObject "EDSIManagedUnitCondition"

    if ($GroupName -like "Group*"){
    $GroupEmailPrefix = $GroupName.replace(" ",".")
    $GroupEmail = "$"
    $rule1.Base = "EDMS://OU=GroupsOU,DC=mydomain"

    $NewGroup = New-QADGroup -Name $GroupName -ParentContainer 'OU=GroupsOU,DC=mydomain' -GroupType 'Security' -GroupScope 'Global' -DisplayName "$GroupName*" -ObjectAttributes @{adminDescription= "Dynamic Divisional group for $GroupName employees"; proxyAddresses= "SMTP:$GroupEmail"; mailNickname= $GroupEmailPrefix; -Email $GroupEmail

    $objGroup = [ADSI] "EDMS://CN=Group2,OU=GroupsOU,DC=mydomain"
    $objRuleCollection = $objGroup.MembershipRuleCollection

  • You seem to be setting $rule1.Base to an Organizational Unit.

    This should be set to the EDMS address of the group that you want to include members for. In your example, it would be EDMS://CN=Group2,OU=GroupsOU,DC=mydomain

  • Thanks that fixed it, appreciate your help.