Remove Member Of

Hi Team. 

I am just looking for suggestions on overcoming a minor issue. 

Let's say I have the following. 

UserA and UserA is a member of GroupA

We have a secure T0 area in our AD, and we have not allowed anyone in GroupA to change the accounts that are in T0. However, because UserA can add members to groups outside of T0, they also seem to be able to add T0 accounts to the groups. 

Is there a way to deny Add on Member of for accounts in a certain OU if the person making the change is in GroupA

Thanks in advance 

  • Thanks, Terrance. I have tidied it up a little based on your suggestions. I will come back to the -LdapFilter issue. 

    It is almost like this script, when run through ARS is not picking up

    $Username = $DirObj.get("samaccountname") 

    If I hard code the username name in the script using $Username = "TestUser" then it works and I see the throw message.  

    function T0Asset($Request) {
    #Obtain the SamAccountName of user account being changed. 
    $Username = $DirObj.get("samaccountname")
    $ManagedUnit = "CN=Test,CN=Managed Units,CN=Configuration"
    # Function to check if a user is a member of a specific Managed Unit
    function Is_UserInManagedUnit {
        # Check if the user is a member of the Managed Unit
        $isMember = Get-QADUser -SearchRoot $ManagedUnit | Where-Object { $_.SamAccountName -eq $Username }
        if ($isMember) {
            Write-Host "true"
            return $true
        else {
            Write-Host "false"
            return $false
    # Main logic
    if (Is_UserInManagedUnit -User $Username) {
        throw "$Username is a T0 asset. Access Denied"
        #Write-Host "User $Username is a member of the Managed Unit $ManagedUnit. Cannot add to any security groups."
    else {
                Write-Host "$Username non T0 User. Access Approved"

  • You're trying this in a Change Workflow, correct? And not an Automation Workflow?

  • Hi. Yes, that is correct in a change workflow. 

  • Then, the $Request and $DirObj objects should exist.

    Test that and confirm. Write them to a file and make sure that they have what you need:

    $Request | Out-file C:\Temp\Request.txt

    $Request | Get-Member |Out-file C:\Temp\Request.txt -append

    $DirObj | Out-file C:\Temp\DirObj.txt

    $DirObj | Get-Member | Out-file C:\Temp\DirObj.txt -append

    You'll likely need to dig into several attributes of the objects in order to see and confirm the attributes and methods.


  • Thanks. I now have the output from the commands. While I can see the security group the account is being added to, its not display what username from the dirobj

    I assume this should be in the output? 

  • No, most of the real attributes won't be in the $DirObj object. It's essentially a pointer to the directory object which you can use as a springboard to get what you need.

    If it has any attributes and it has the necessary methods, then it should work.

    I'll run a sanity check in my lab with a small script and I'll confirm expected functionality.

    Can you provide a screenshot of the Workflow so that I can see how you are calling the script?

  • I did also think/try to grab the username from the workflow saved object properties and then try to grab that via 

    $Username = $workflow.SavedObjectProperties("T0").get("SamAccountName")

    Same issue through, its not firing 

  • Ooooh.

    Okay, I see where you may be having some issue.

    The $Request object is created with an object that is related to the Active Directory operation being performed. This operation is "Add member to a group". In this context, the $Request object and $DirObj will have references to the group, not to the added member.

    I think that this could be implemented without a script at all, honestly. I configured a Change Workflow in my lab to prevent adding users to a group if those users were present in a Managed Unit, and it seems to work properly.

  • Boom. Now, on the face of it, that works fantastically. I need to do some more testing, but it did block me from adding groups to users who are in that Managed Unit.

    Thanks mate. I really appreciate you taking the time here today

  • Hi. So this setup seems to work great when searching for Users in a MU and am able to block stop a user being added to a group. 

    The issue I have now which is along the same track is that I need to stop Member Of in the same way. I can open a Group and then add that group to another group. No matter how I try to get this working along the same lines nothing seems to work. 

    Any suggestions on stopping member of in the same way?