AD Account keeps getting locked

The system account we use keeps getting locked and we don't know the source of the problem. We scaled down all the pods on openshift. This is the system account: sysCTSPROCESSAPIDEV

  • "We scaled down all the pods on openshift."


    Are you sure you posted this question in the right forum?

    Generally account lockouts can be traced by looking at the security log of your domain controllers.

    Look for event ID 4740 for the above user.  The event will tell you the host where the lockout originated.

  • "We scaled down all the pods on openshift."


    Are you sure you posted this question in the right forum?

    Generally account lockouts can be traced by looking at the security log of your domain controllers.

    Look for event ID 4740 for the above user.  The event will tell you the host where the lockout originated.

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