Account Expires - Select only 3 weeks in to the future

Hi Team. 

I have created a new user form to allow specific teams to create basic test accounts. The form itself is working and creating the user account how we want it. I then have a Workflow that picks up the account, moves it to an OU, sends an email to the team, etc. 

As these are test accounts, we don't want them to be active for more than three weeks at a time. 

I have added the accountexpires attribute to the form, but of course, I can select any date I want in the future. Is there a way with a PGV or some other cleave way that I can restrict access to only three weeks in advance



Top Replies

  • I have managed to set this up via Workflow. Using the updated properties and selecting today's date + 21 days, the account will always have three weeks of access. However, if there is a way to select a date on the new user form that is 3 weeks or less, that would be good to know. 

  • I have managed to set this up via Workflow. Using the updated properties and selecting today's date + 21 days, the account will always have three weeks of access. However, if there is a way to select a date on the new user form that is 3 weeks or less, that would be good to know. 
