Add manually members to Dynamic group

Hi to all, 

I have a dynamic group , but what I want to use that dynamic group for SelfService and I granted the permission to Managed by. When I open the SelfService in web on My manage Resources I can see that Dynamic group but to add members is not possible. How can I change , I dont want to break the rules , the dynamic should stay like it is but only I need to work in SelfService to use that dynamic group to add the members manually. 

Top Replies

  • Hi  

    Dynamic groups memberships can only be changed based upon the membership rule you've defined; it wouldn't be possible to manually add users that fall outside of the membership rules.

    A method around this would be to create another group, which you'd configure for self-service, then add a membership rule to your dynamic group, to include members of the new groups...


    You have an existing group called "DG-SomeThing" (which is your dynamic group) which has an existing membership rule (for example); which adds any user from a managed domain, where their department value is "SomeThing".

    You want people to be able to self request this group, so you:

    1. Create a group like "SR-SomeThing" (which is just a standard AD group, its not dynamic)
    2. Add an "Include Group Members" membership rule to "DG-SomeThing", where you include members of "SR-Something"

    Configure the "SR-Something" group to be self requestable, as you'd tried with the dynamic group.

    Then when someone requests to be a member of "SR-Something", and is granted that access, the user will automatically be added into "DG-SomeThing" are they have now met one of the membership rules.

