Modifying default "Displayed columns" in the Object List Pane

Weird question that I am sure has been asked and answered somewhere in the forums, but admittedly, my Google-Fu leaves much to be desired.

I am keenly aware of the "adding and removing columns from the Object List pane" process, but is there a way to save the changes made so the columns you added or removed (or re-positioned) remain static the next time you log in?

I have admins getting frustrated because they are not able to save changes (adding/changing order of columns) they make when filtering objects. I have even tried saving the view, and while the results are saved in the new view, the columns that were modified are not. When an admin logs off and back in, the default "name, description, type (object class)" columns are reset and all other changes are lost.

helped me realize that those settings should be saved at the server level (and we have a DNS round robin for four servers), but I have also tested making the changes on one server, then logging off and explicitly logging back into that server, but the object list pane was reverted back to the default columns.

Again, I'm sure this isn't a new question, but I can't seem to find any references in the forums.

  • Yes, it is possible to customize the default columns.

    Unfortunately, it's not a very friendly process.

    The column defaults are stored in the Active Roles Web Interface configuration itself, but they are not exposed as editable configurations in the Web Interface. They need to be modified in the raw XML of the configuration.

    This can be done in the Active Roles Console as an Active Roles Admin.

    Go to View | Mode | Raw Mode

    Browse to Configuration/Application Configuration/Web Interface and click on the Web Interface container

    These are your raw Web Interface configurations. The names are unique identifiers, but the Description column will contain a friendly name that you will recognize as well as a version number

    Match the name from the Description with the name of the Web Interface configuration from the Active Roles Configuration Center that you want to modify

    Expand Customization Settings and then select the Advanced Properties of the WorkingCopy

    The object pickers are all stored on the edsaWICommands attribute

    Copy this entire attribute value and store it in a safe place as a backup

    Find the object picker that you want to modify. This can be done by examining the URL of the window in the Active Roles Web Interface.

    For example, the "Member Of" object picker on a User has the following URL:


    The "TaskID" is the important part. In this case, it is called "MemberOf"

    You can search in the edsaWICommands attribute for "MemberOf" and you will find the following:

    <Task ID="MemberOf"
    ObjectTag=",AD LDS Object">
    <CSharpFilter MethodName="IsMemberOfAllowed" />
    <Setting Name="BatchOperations" Value="MemberOfAdd,MemberOfRemove,MemberOfTempMembership,MemberOfSetPrimaryGroup"/>
    <Setting Name="Attributes" Value="name,objectClass,description" />
    <Setting Name="Scope" Value="Base"/>
    <Setting Name="ASQAttribute" Value="memberOf"/>
    <Setting Name="Filters" Value="(objectClass=*)"/>
    <Setting Name="AdditionalSearchControls" Value="ScheduledLink-GetStartEndTime=1,PrimaryGroup-GetData=1"/>
    <Setting Name="SearchBehavior" Value="ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Searches.Search2.Behaviors.MemberOfSearchBehavior, ActiveRoles.Web.Application"/>

    Edit the "Attributes" setting node with the LDAP names of your desired attributes, in order.

    Save the value.

    To post the change to IIS, log into the Active Roles Web Interface as an Active Roles Admin and choose Customization | Reload

    Then, perform an IISRESET on all Active Roles Web Interface hosts that share the same configuration to post the change everywhere