ARS Migration to other Domain, change TP Links and translate delegations


I have to move the ARS instance to another domain and change all delegations to different groups/user.
Is there a way to export all AT/TP links and delegations, modify them, e.g. in a csv and re-import them with different group names?

(Apologies if this will be a double post, i am having issues with posting in this forum)

Many thanks,

  • Yes, for Access Template Links, there are QAD Cmdlets  for export / import:



    For policy objects, you can just use GetQADObject -proxy and point to the Configuration/TP links container.

    For linking policies, consult the PoSh SDK code samples under the folder of the same name on your Admin Service host.

  • Hi Micha

    Exporting Administration Policy Links to CSV

    $FileName = "APL Export $(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss").csv"
    $APLs = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot "CN=AP Links,CN=Configuration" -Type "edsPolicyObjectLink" -IncludeAllProperties -Proxy
    $Delimiter = ";"
    $Attributes = @("distinguishedname","edsaispredefined","edsvaapodn","edsvasecobjectdn","edsalinkdisabled")
    $Attributes -join $Delimiter | Out-File $FileName
    ForEach($APL in $APLs)
        $Output = @()
        ForEach($Attribute in $Attributes)
            $Output += [string]::Format("{0}{1}{0}","`"",$APL.$Attribute)
        $output -join $Delimiter | Out-File $FileName -Append

    Exporting Access Template Links to CSV

    $FileName = "ATL Export $(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmmss").csv"
    $ATLs = Get-QARSAccessTemplateLink -IncludeAllProperties -SearchRoot "CN=AT Links,CN=Configuration" -Proxy
    $Delimiter = ";"
    $Attributes = @("distinguishedname","Predefined","edsvaaccesstemplatedn","edsvasecobjectdn","edsalinkdisabled","AppliedTo","edsalinkflags","Disabled","SynchronizedToAD")
    $Attributes -join $Delimiter | Out-File $FileName
    ForEach($ATL in $ATLs)
        $Output = @()
        ForEach($Attribute in $Attributes)
            $Output += [string]::Format("{0}{1}{0}","`"",$ATL.$Attribute)
        $output -join $Delimiter | Out-File $FileName -Append