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Prevent a group from being copied.

When copying an account is there a way to prevent a specific group from being copied?  This group requires approval so we wouldn't want a new account to be added during the provisioning step.

  • #1. ARS OOB User Provision Policies (Automated Group Membership, Dynamic Groups, Workflows on Demand) can be utilized for user provision to existing groups without group copy.
    #2. ARS Group Family feature might be useful for automated DL generation (per Office Location, for example) – it will create new Groups for ne Office Locations
    #3. ARS Permissions/Roles been designed correctly may provide Not Allow Group-Copy Right (or DENY explicitly Group-Copy rights) against certain OUs (Groups)
  • #1. ARS OOB User Provision Policies (Automated Group Membership, Dynamic Groups, Workflows on Demand) can be utilized for user provision to existing groups without group copy.
    #2. ARS Group Family feature might be useful for automated DL generation (per Office Location, for example) – it will create new Groups for ne Office Locations
    #3. ARS Permissions/Roles been designed correctly may provide Not Allow Group-Copy Right (or DENY explicitly Group-Copy rights) against certain OUs (Groups)
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