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Active Roles with Office365 Add-On and Synchronization Service

Is any one here using the ARS Sync Service with Office365?  What is the user count being synchronized?  Were you using FIM/MIM prior with ADConnect/DirSync?  How would you compare ARS Sync Service with ADConnect and FIM in terms of features and performance?

If you are making changes to Exchange Online in Office365 how are you executing them?  Are you delegating abilities like send-as through ARS?  How?

  • Terrance: thank you for great answer. It confirms my understanding of the situation today ARS-O352 w/DirSync in-place.
    >DirSync was trialed and has populated the Office 365 Tenant, but is *no longer active*, then Active Roles can integrate with existing objects in the Office 365 Tenant and continue on where DirSync left off.
  • Terrance: thank you for great answer. It confirms my understanding of the situation today ARS-O352 w/DirSync in-place.
    >DirSync was trialed and has populated the Office 365 Tenant, but is *no longer active*, then Active Roles can integrate with existing objects in the Office 365 Tenant and continue on where DirSync left off.
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