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Deny User Creation

Hi I want to prevent helpdesk users creating new users in a particular container...I have created a template with Create User Objects denied (amongst other permissions denied as that did not seem to work) delegated it to a test user on the container in question but still able to create users, i must be missing something really obvious but can't work out what it is, can anyone help please? Thanks, Andy

  • Yes I need to do some more digging and i think a ticket may be required as helpdesk users aren't in the AD group of activeroles server admins but looking down the client sessions all of them are AR server Admins! Thanks again for your help Johnny.
  • Yes I need to do some more digging and i think a ticket may be required as helpdesk users aren't in the AD group of activeroles server admins but looking down the client sessions all of them are AR server Admins! Thanks again for your help Johnny.
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