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We have a client that currently integrate their IDM system to ARS via SPML interface.

The project team asked if we could move away from this interface and utilize REST+JSON.

Did anyone integrated to ARS like this before?


ARS documentation mentions "Customizable Web Interfaces" could that be our answer?





  • my understanding.
    IDM –> SOAP protocol -> ARS is needed only when you need to bridge from non-Windows platform (IDM) to Windows (ARS/AD).
    If IDM runs on Windows, you may use PS1 script to talk to ARS. It will be more flexible and solid…
    ARS “Customizable Web Interface” in general refers to changing WI Client Layout (IE) and not bridging from non-Windows to Windows/ARS
  • my understanding.
    IDM –> SOAP protocol -> ARS is needed only when you need to bridge from non-Windows platform (IDM) to Windows (ARS/AD).
    If IDM runs on Windows, you may use PS1 script to talk to ARS. It will be more flexible and solid…
    ARS “Customizable Web Interface” in general refers to changing WI Client Layout (IE) and not bridging from non-Windows to Windows/ARS
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