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ActiveRoles 6.9 WorkFlow - On Creation Add Computer to Group

I'm attempting to create a workflow that when a computer object is created, it will be added to a specific group.  I've configured the start and initiator conditions.  I did not set any filtering conditions or Parameters.  I'm unsure if the Parameters section is where I define the MemberOf attribute...  I added the Activity Add to Group, but the Activity Target is where I'm completely stuck.  Is this where I define the newly created computer object and if so, how?  ...I'm struggling with the terminology under the Activity Target tab.  All of the other tabs seem to be more clear.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • When configuring a Workflow, the configuration of the "Workflow Options and Start Conditions" which you set determines the "Workflow Target".

    In your case, your start condition would be "Create Group Computer". This means that the "Workflow Target" will be the Group Computer which is being created.

    In the "Object Management" section of the Workflow body, there is already a preconfigured operation called "Add to Group". Simply drag-and-drop that in. The default Activity Target will be the "Workflow Target". Add the desired Group in the "Groups" tab, and you should be all set.

  • When configuring a Workflow, the configuration of the "Workflow Options and Start Conditions" which you set determines the "Workflow Target".

    In your case, your start condition would be "Create Group Computer". This means that the "Workflow Target" will be the Group Computer which is being created.

    In the "Object Management" section of the Workflow body, there is already a preconfigured operation called "Add to Group". Simply drag-and-drop that in. The default Activity Target will be the "Workflow Target". Add the desired Group in the "Groups" tab, and you should be all set.

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