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ActiveRoles 6.9 WorkFlow - On Creation Add Computer to Group

I'm attempting to create a workflow that when a computer object is created, it will be added to a specific group.  I've configured the start and initiator conditions.  I did not set any filtering conditions or Parameters.  I'm unsure if the Parameters section is where I define the MemberOf attribute...  I added the Activity Add to Group, but the Activity Target is where I'm completely stuck.  Is this where I define the newly created computer object and if so, how?  ...I'm struggling with the terminology under the Activity Target tab.  All of the other tabs seem to be more clear.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Workflow on Demand/Scheduled (the engine) is a relatively new feature (2-3yo).
    Purpose: Attempt to replace partially basic customs scripting with UI and make it supported.
    Not *all* scripting can be replaced (only basic logic) (keep in mind).
    It does require skill/practice to understand the engine: strong and weak points.
    I recommend:
    #1. read sections in pdf manuals (Admin Guide) on the matter
    #2. open SR "how to"
  • Workflow on Demand/Scheduled (the engine) is a relatively new feature (2-3yo).
    Purpose: Attempt to replace partially basic customs scripting with UI and make it supported.
    Not *all* scripting can be replaced (only basic logic) (keep in mind).
    It does require skill/practice to understand the engine: strong and weak points.
    I recommend:
    #1. read sections in pdf manuals (Admin Guide) on the matter
    #2. open SR "how to"
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