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How do you audit changes to delegation in ARS

I can't find any change history that shows when a user was given delegated access to manage a group in AD via ARS.  Is this recorded somewhere? 

  • that is interesting question. I would look at following points:
    #1. AT Links explicit. Permissions/Roles/AT links: ARS Admin will be able to see Delegation Control (the permission link) on OU (MU, AD object) itself and therefore Change History of the Delegation Control
    #2. Resulting Delegation. On each AD Object: AD ADmin can see resulting cumulative permission hitting the object from all "entry-link" points (OU, MU, explicit). 
    #3. Well-known SIDs: Built-in\Primary Owner, Built-in\Secondary Owner, Built-in\SELF (when the SID of actually authenticated user is not known apriori and resolved on-fly depending on the object itself). If you see the SID in resulting permission /AT Links on AD object (group), then, for example, Secondary Owner is set on the AD\group has rights given by the linked AT

  • that is interesting question. I would look at following points:
    #1. AT Links explicit. Permissions/Roles/AT links: ARS Admin will be able to see Delegation Control (the permission link) on OU (MU, AD object) itself and therefore Change History of the Delegation Control
    #2. Resulting Delegation. On each AD Object: AD ADmin can see resulting cumulative permission hitting the object from all "entry-link" points (OU, MU, explicit). 
    #3. Well-known SIDs: Built-in\Primary Owner, Built-in\Secondary Owner, Built-in\SELF (when the SID of actually authenticated user is not known apriori and resolved on-fly depending on the object itself). If you see the SID in resulting permission /AT Links on AD object (group), then, for example, Secondary Owner is set on the AD\group has rights given by the linked AT

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