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How do you audit changes to delegation in ARS

I can't find any change history that shows when a user was given delegated access to manage a group in AD via ARS.  Is this recorded somewhere? 

  • As Aidar noted, there are two layers to this:

    1) A new member getting added to a trustee group that is allowed to manage groups. This is easy to trap with a workflow that looks for a group membership change
    2) Create of a new access template link granting a trustee group the ability to manage groups.

    Below is some sample code to achieve trapping the creation of a new access template link.

    (You would need to link this post create handler to this container: CN=AT Links,CN=Configuration)

    Function OnPostCreate ($Request)

    If ($Request.class -ne 'edsACE') {return}

    # Store the initiator of the delegation


    Get-QARSAccessTemplateLink -proxy -Identity $Request.GUID | select directoryobjectdn,trustee,accesstemplate | %{

    # Add the initiator info to the details we obtained about the delegation link

    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Initiator -Value $InitiatorDN

    # Send all the details to a log file

    $_ | export-csv "C:\scripting\Detect_Delegation\Delegations_Log.txt" -NoTypeInformation -Append


  • As Aidar noted, there are two layers to this:

    1) A new member getting added to a trustee group that is allowed to manage groups. This is easy to trap with a workflow that looks for a group membership change
    2) Create of a new access template link granting a trustee group the ability to manage groups.

    Below is some sample code to achieve trapping the creation of a new access template link.

    (You would need to link this post create handler to this container: CN=AT Links,CN=Configuration)

    Function OnPostCreate ($Request)

    If ($Request.class -ne 'edsACE') {return}

    # Store the initiator of the delegation


    Get-QARSAccessTemplateLink -proxy -Identity $Request.GUID | select directoryobjectdn,trustee,accesstemplate | %{

    # Add the initiator info to the details we obtained about the delegation link

    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Initiator -Value $InitiatorDN

    # Send all the details to a log file

    $_ | export-csv "C:\scripting\Detect_Delegation\Delegations_Log.txt" -NoTypeInformation -Append


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