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How do you audit changes to delegation in ARS

I can't find any change history that shows when a user was given delegated access to manage a group in AD via ARS.  Is this recorded somewhere? 

  • I don't see a history option in the context menu when selecting the AT Links folder but I'll definitely try using a policy as you suggested - but if there is no built in method perhaps this should be an enhancement request.

    We have CAAD sop we can see and monitor changes to groups and ACL updates on any objects in the domain, but of course the user account making these changes is the ARS service account. In the case of delegating rights, and specifically syncing them to AD, the method used to update the initiator in the CAAD event does not work for delegating rights.

    I'll raise this as an issue with Dell - I just wanted to check I was not missing something obvious.
  • I don't see a history option in the context menu when selecting the AT Links folder but I'll definitely try using a policy as you suggested - but if there is no built in method perhaps this should be an enhancement request.

    We have CAAD sop we can see and monitor changes to groups and ACL updates on any objects in the domain, but of course the user account making these changes is the ARS service account. In the case of delegating rights, and specifically syncing them to AD, the method used to update the initiator in the CAAD event does not work for delegating rights.

    I'll raise this as an issue with Dell - I just wanted to check I was not missing something obvious.
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