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Is it possible to validate displayName of a user, in order to achive unique Display Names?

I would like to have Unique display names for all my users. is it possível to validate this?

  • Hello Pedro,

    Currently, the only attribute which has a Uniqueness Constraint option out-of-the-box is the sAMAccountName. If you configure the Uniqueness Scope in the "Built-in Policy - Default Logon Name", you could then configure a custom Policy which ensured that the Display Name contained the User's sAMAccountName, therefore ensuring that it would be unique.

    It may also be possible to script a custom solution which would allow you to check for uniqueness without embedding the sAMAccountName, but I don't have a resource for that.
  • another suggestion. Make displayName = "Fname Lname (sAMAccountName)". The sAMAccountName will make is unique.