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Unable to execute powershell commands inside ARS scripts


I'm having issues with some powershell commands inside ARS script: I'm experiencing a very weird thing where my code doesn't get executed despite the debug log doesn't shows any error.

I'm attaching both my script and the debug log; i've also semplified the code so that just the essentials commands are left. The script basically does 3 things:

1. creates a local folder on a fixed path on the specified server
2. shares this folder on the root of the server
3. assigns the share to the newly created users.

function onPostCreate($Request) {

	$username = $Request.get("samaccountname")
	$server = $Request.get("edsva-servers")
	if (!$server) { 
		$server = 'S00V09951880'
	$sharepath = '\\' + $server
	$localpath = 'D:\Users'
	# crea NT folder in path fisico
	New-Item -Name $username -ItemType Directory -Path $localpath
	# crea share
	net share "$username=$localpath\$username" "/GRANT:$username,CHANGE" "/GRANT:ITA\ITA data Manager,FULL"
	# assegna all'utente
	Set-QADUser $UserName -HomeDirectory "$sharepath\$username" -HomeDrive U: -proxy


WARNING: The names of some imported commands from the module 'ActiveRolesManagementShell' include unapproved verbs that might make them less discoverable. To find the commands with unapproved verbs, run the Import-Module command again with the Verbose parameter. For a list of approved verbs, type Get-Verb.
<----  New Debug Session  10/20/2016 11:21:21 AM ---->
<------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
 <CreateRequest xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" dn="CN=TEST lino 5566,OU=Provisioning,OU=Users & Clients,OU=SECOP1,OU=BNLSEC,DC=ita,DC=net,DC=intra" xmlns="urn:schemas-quest-com:ActiveRolesServer">
    <Attribute name="displayName" operation="Replace" type="String">
        <Value>TEST lino 5566</Value>
    <Attribute name="employeeID" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="givenName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="objectClass" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="sAMAccountName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="sn" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="userPrincipalName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="userAccountControl" operation="Replace" type="Integer">
    <Attribute name="pwdLastSet" operation="Replace" type="LargeInteger">
    <Attribute name="edsaPassword" operation="Replace" type="String" encrypted="true">
    <Attribute name="edsaNormalAccount" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="edsaUPNPrefix" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsaUPNSuffix" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsva-OrgUnit" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsva-Servers" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsvaUserMustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="edsaCreateMsExchMailbox" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="objectSid" operation="Replace" type="OctetString">
        <Value base64="true">AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAU2idkVBaWJX/Gztb5xIDAA==</Value>
    <Control id="13">
    <Control id="AllowApproval">
 <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
Call:  Set-PSDebug -trace 2
DEBUG:    1+  >>>> s4b84b5cc-c810-4775-9d48-9c0c512dec8e 'onPostCreate' $Request
DEBUG:     ! CALL function '<ScriptBlock>'
DEBUG:   23+   >>>> &$args[0] $args[1]

DEBUG:     ! CALL function '<ScriptBlock>'
DEBUG:    1+ function onPostCreate($Request)  >>>> {

DEBUG:     ! CALL function 'onPostCreate'
DEBUG:    3+  >>>> $username = $Request.get("samaccountname")

 Call method '$Request.Get'
     Arguments list:
         [1] : Value=samaccountname : Type=System.String
  Call '[PowerShellAttribute].Value'
  Call '[PowerShellAttribute].Value'
DEBUG:     ! SET $username = '5566'.
DEBUG:    4+  >>>> $server = $Request.get("edsva-servers")

 Call method '$Request.Get'
     Arguments list:
         [1] : Value=edsva-servers : Type=System.String
  Call '[PowerShellAttribute].Value'
  Call '[PowerShellAttribute].Value'
DEBUG:     ! SET $server = 'S00V09951880'.
DEBUG:    6+ if ( >>>> !$server) { 

DEBUG:   10+  >>>> $sharepath = '\\' + $server

DEBUG:     ! SET $sharepath = '\\S00V09951880'.
DEBUG:   11+  >>>> $localpath = 'D:\Users'

DEBUG:     ! SET $localpath = 'D:\Users'.
DEBUG:   14+  >>>> New-Item -Name $username -ItemType Directory -Path $localpath

DEBUG:   17+  >>>> net share "$username=$localpath\$username" "/GRANT:$username,CHANGE" "/GRANT:ITA\ITA data Manager,FULL"

DEBUG:   20+  >>>> Set-QADUser $UserName -HomeDirectory "$sharepath\$username" -HomeDrive U: -proxy

DEBUG:   22+  >>>> }

<------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>
 <CreateRequest xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" dn="CN=TEST lino 5566,OU=Provisioning,OU=Users & Clients,OU=SECOP1,OU=BNLSEC,DC=ita,DC=net,DC=intra" xmlns="urn:schemas-quest-com:ActiveRolesServer">
    <Attribute name="displayName" operation="Replace" type="String">
        <Value>TEST lino 5566</Value>
    <Attribute name="employeeID" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="givenName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="objectClass" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="sAMAccountName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="sn" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="userPrincipalName" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="userAccountControl" operation="Replace" type="Integer">
    <Attribute name="pwdLastSet" operation="Replace" type="LargeInteger">
    <Attribute name="edsaPassword" operation="Replace" type="String" encrypted="true">
    <Attribute name="edsaNormalAccount" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="edsaUPNPrefix" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsaUPNSuffix" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsva-OrgUnit" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsva-Servers" operation="Replace" type="String">
    <Attribute name="edsvaUserMustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="edsaCreateMsExchMailbox" operation="Replace" type="Boolean">
    <Attribute name="objectSid" operation="Replace" type="OctetString">
        <Value base64="true">AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAU2idkVBaWJX/Gztb5xIDAA==</Value>
    <Control id="13">
    <Control id="AllowApproval">
 <------------------- $Request  XML ------------------------>

For an unknown reason task 2 and 3 are not completed even though from the debug log it seems that they have been executed.

The weirdest thing is that, the same exact code, is working like a charm inside my lab, but not at customer site.

Could you provide some enlightenment?

Thank you in advance,

  • For what it's worth, **if you have a home folder provisioning policy in place** (or are willing to consider using one), ARS provides another way to achieve the same thing as you are doing by way of just a SET-QADUser command:

    Here's some code:

    $NewHomeFolderPhyiscalPath = $localpath = 'D:\Users\' + $username

    $HomeShareName = $username

    # Setting of the virtual attribute cited below will force the creation of the home folder share in the location specified by the applicable home folder provisioning policy

    # It will also automatically update the home folder pointer on the AD object to reflect the share name

    set-qaduser -proxy -Identity $Username -HomeDirectory $NewHomeFolderPhysicalPath -HomeDrive 'U:' -ObjectAttributes @{edsvahomedirectorynetshare=$HomeShareName}
  • For what it's worth, **if you have a home folder provisioning policy in place** (or are willing to consider using one), ARS provides another way to achieve the same thing as you are doing by way of just a SET-QADUser command:

    Here's some code:

    $NewHomeFolderPhyiscalPath = $localpath = 'D:\Users\' + $username

    $HomeShareName = $username

    # Setting of the virtual attribute cited below will force the creation of the home folder share in the location specified by the applicable home folder provisioning policy

    # It will also automatically update the home folder pointer on the AD object to reflect the share name

    set-qaduser -proxy -Identity $Username -HomeDirectory $NewHomeFolderPhysicalPath -HomeDrive 'U:' -ObjectAttributes @{edsvahomedirectorynetshare=$HomeShareName}
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