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Undo / Roll Back

Is there a versioning feature where we can rollback to a previous verion of a Group e.g. A group with 50 members was modified, however the changes done had an error and we need to roll back the changes, is that possible?

  • There is no versioning or built-in rollback.

    However, all changes made through ARS are logged in the Change History database.

    So, with a bit of scripting, you could interrogate the Change History for the changes made to the object in question and roll them back through your script.

    The cmdlet to pull the history information is Get-QARSOperation.

    Here's how to pull the last day's group membership changes:

    Get-QARSOperation -InitiatedAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -proxy -OperationType groupmembershipchange

  • There is no versioning or built-in rollback.

    However, all changes made through ARS are logged in the Change History database.

    So, with a bit of scripting, you could interrogate the Change History for the changes made to the object in question and roll them back through your script.

    The cmdlet to pull the history information is Get-QARSOperation.

    Here's how to pull the last day's group membership changes:

    Get-QARSOperation -InitiatedAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -proxy -OperationType groupmembershipchange

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