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Undo / Roll Back

Is there a versioning feature where we can rollback to a previous verion of a Group e.g. A group with 50 members was modified, however the changes done had an error and we need to roll back the changes, is that possible?

  • (very strong) assumption1: changes were done via ARS door only, and not DC directly with native rights.

    ARS does contain Change History holding old and new value of attribute.  I guess, though no full list of members for group membership changes and therefore, you will never know the full group.members list at Time=T0. You need separate solution: for example EReporter or RMAD (very easy to use for your case).

    Legal Compliance: assumption1 + restore group membership based on ARS information will makes legal compliance to be violated. (not sure is it the case for you).

  • (very strong) assumption1: changes were done via ARS door only, and not DC directly with native rights.

    ARS does contain Change History holding old and new value of attribute.  I guess, though no full list of members for group membership changes and therefore, you will never know the full group.members list at Time=T0. You need separate solution: for example EReporter or RMAD (very easy to use for your case).

    Legal Compliance: assumption1 + restore group membership based on ARS information will makes legal compliance to be violated. (not sure is it the case for you).

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