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Workflow - Prompt for Property

We want to create a workflow that does the following:

1. Triggered by an addition or removal of a user from a group

2. When the membership change is "applied" or "saved", it should prompt the user to enter information and then save it to a designated property of a group, such as notes.

Part 1 of this is no problem. Part 2 is where I'm getting stuck. Has anyone done something like this? If so, any help would be apprec.iated.


  • I believe you could do this by forcing an approval requirement on the operation in your workflow.

    The user will then be prompted for the reason.

    Using a script activity in your workflow you can then:

    Find out the new "outstanding" approval task using Get-QARSApprovalTask with appropriate filters on target object etc.

    "Auto approve" the request in the background using the Approve-QARSApprovalTask cmdlet.