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ARS - QuickConnect - DB to AD

Quick question:

We are using QuickConnect to sync from our employee database (SQL view) to AD, and all works as expected.  We're now trying to enhance it a bit to insert the managers DN into AD, and I have a procedural question.

Until now, the SQL view was providing the manager's username (which is equivalent to their samAccountName), but we would like to convert that to the actual DN for the manager before inserting it into AD.  My boss found a Powershell script which, if that samAccountName is entered into a variable, will then do the lookup in AD and insert the DN in the correct location.  We're now trying to convert that script to work with ARS QuickConnect, but I need to know how the output of the first stage of quickconnect (which will pass the manager's samAccountName to PS) can be referenced inside the PS script.

I am of the impression that there will be a $Request array/object available to us, but how does one reference the value we need.  Will it be $Request[field_name_as_it_appears_in_SQL]?  Or something else?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.