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Steve Confused (and amazed a little)

In Production: ARS v6.9
In Testing: Active Roles v7.0

So last week I "captured" my production v6.9 database and copied it into a test Active Role 7.0 installation,using the Configuration Center (which is great stuff, BTW).

That process went smoothly and at the end of the process, my AR70 installation had production data, in particular Dynamic Groups and Managed Units (and their respective rules, of course).

Here's what confuses me....

Yesterday I created a new Dynamic Group in my Production ARS v6.9 system. I did nothing in my AR70 system (in fact, the admin service was stopped, as it often is for my testing).

After I started the admin service on AR70, I found my Dynamic Group, rules and all, visible and usable in AR70. I don't understand how AR70 would know anything about the rules of this group, which, again, I created yesterday and never "migrated" to AR70.

Does this confuse anyone else? How smart/connected is AR70 actually?
Thanks for any feedback.