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get-qaduser and filtering on secondary owners


we have service / application accounts with secondary owners defined.  As one example the below query syntax does not return any results

get-qaduser -SearchRoot 'CN=Active Directory' -scope Subtree -Sizelimit 10 -LdapFilter '(edsva
SecondaryOwners=*)' -ReturnDNOnly

For the filter I have tried 'SecondaryOwners' and edsvaSecondaryOwners

if I filter on edsvaSecondaryOwnerguids - it works,I get results...

>get-qaduser -SearchRoot 'CN=Active Directory' -scope Subtree -SizeLimit 10 -LdapFilter '(edsvaSecondaryOwnerguids=*)' -ReturnDNOnly

...but dealing with the guid vs. name is a little bit more work and not, intuitive for some of the admins using the cmdlets.  Has anybody else seen this behavior?

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