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C#: Approval-aware - multiple users - one approval

I have a method to add users to a group using Approval-Aware based on this article

it works fine, except that it loops through a list of user and adds them one at a time. The approver will get one approval for each add (which could be hundreds).

I want to add all the users to a group and generate only one approval for the entire change.

i suspect that i can add an array or collection of users, but am no sure.


 foreach (string user in users)

(boundGroup.NativeObject as IEDM).set_Control("AllowApproval", true, "Check");
boundGroup.Invoke("Add", new object[] { "EDMS://" + userFQDN });

if ("Pending" == ((boundGroup.NativeObject as IEDM).get_Control("OperationStatus", true) as string))
    (boundGroup.NativeObject as IEDM).set_Control("AllowApproval", true, "Confirm");
    reason = "need to add user to group"
    (boundGroup.NativeObject as IEDM).set_Control("OperationReason", true, reason);
    boundGroup.Invoke("Add", new object[] { "EDMS://" + userFQDN });

