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[Rebuild] - script call to rebuild a dynamic group, anyone?

Ok, Scriptsmiths - do any of you have a script you use to trigger a dynamic group membership 'Rebuild' programmatically?   The builtin scheduled task that performs the nightly evaluation and rebuild - lists a blank value where a script would be ..., and although I'm sure there must be a way to script-trigger the schedule task to run - I don't want to rebuild all groups.  Just the one or two mammoth groups that choke during the nightly.    I have a very large group or two, with  50K+ members - and last Thursday night after the general rebuild, it had only 13K users in tow.  So I had 37K upset users the day after.  It felt like every one of them was trying to OCS me at the same time.   I launch the gui, I find the group, I click the button [Rebuild] and a few thousand seconds later - happy users.

Any existing script in play by an ARS admin anywhere - or an inkling of where to start with a script that lets you trigger a group rebuild from the command line without having to evaluate/rebuild all DG's at the same time?


OMG this captcha kills me - it LOOKS LIKE A STORE FRONT TO ME!

  • We can target a different ARS host for execution of the Dynamic Group rebuild - and that introduces a different wrinkle ... when you split rebuilds across ARS servers, then any changes made have to replicate back to the others.  Merge replication has it's own issues in our environment, so I'm not sure that will be a long term solution, unless we move them all at the same time to a different ARS instance.  i.e. throw more money at the problem.

    The original question was about whether or not it was possible to script a rebuild of an individual dynamic group.  Easy enough to track the count of members after a rebuild and - where there is a significant drop, trigger the individual rebuild - if such an animal exist.

    I kept looking - and found this old post - tried the powerShell version further down the thread, which didn't work for me with powershell complaining :

    Method invocation failed because [Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Data.ArsGroupObject] does not contain a method named 'InvokeSet'

    So, any of you experts have a way to make the PowerShell script from the above URL work in ARS 6.9+  ?


  • We can target a different ARS host for execution of the Dynamic Group rebuild - and that introduces a different wrinkle ... when you split rebuilds across ARS servers, then any changes made have to replicate back to the others.  Merge replication has it's own issues in our environment, so I'm not sure that will be a long term solution, unless we move them all at the same time to a different ARS instance.  i.e. throw more money at the problem.

    The original question was about whether or not it was possible to script a rebuild of an individual dynamic group.  Easy enough to track the count of members after a rebuild and - where there is a significant drop, trigger the individual rebuild - if such an animal exist.

    I kept looking - and found this old post - tried the powerShell version further down the thread, which didn't work for me with powershell complaining :

    Method invocation failed because [Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Data.ArsGroupObject] does not contain a method named 'InvokeSet'

    So, any of you experts have a way to make the PowerShell script from the above URL work in ARS 6.9+  ?


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