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[Rebuild] - script call to rebuild a dynamic group, anyone?

Ok, Scriptsmiths - do any of you have a script you use to trigger a dynamic group membership 'Rebuild' programmatically?   The builtin scheduled task that performs the nightly evaluation and rebuild - lists a blank value where a script would be ..., and although I'm sure there must be a way to script-trigger the schedule task to run - I don't want to rebuild all groups.  Just the one or two mammoth groups that choke during the nightly.    I have a very large group or two, with  50K+ members - and last Thursday night after the general rebuild, it had only 13K users in tow.  So I had 37K upset users the day after.  It felt like every one of them was trying to OCS me at the same time.   I launch the gui, I find the group, I click the button [Rebuild] and a few thousand seconds later - happy users.

Any existing script in play by an ARS admin anywhere - or an inkling of where to start with a script that lets you trigger a group rebuild from the command line without having to evaluate/rebuild all DG's at the same time?


OMG this captcha kills me - it LOOKS LIKE A STORE FRONT TO ME!

  • Hello, Dyannic.

    I just tried a the code from that old post using v7.0.2 and it seemed to work just fine for me (with a minor adjustment):

    $Constants = New-Object 'System.Object'
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EDS_CONTROL_FIX -Value 4
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EDS_CONTROL_CHECK_POLICY_COMPLIANCE -Value 5
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DGPolicyGUID -Value "84C1A76B-2A6B-4f4b-837A-22D2CCAC777A"
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR -Value 1
    $Group = [ADSI]"EDMS://CN=Test Dynamic Group,OU=Business Unit1,DC=qsftdemo,DC=com"
    $Group.PutEx($Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, 'member', $null)
    $Group.InvokeSet('Control', $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_FIX, $true, @($Constants.DGPolicyGUID)) 
    $Group.InvokeSet('Control', $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_CHECK_POLICY_COMPLIANCE, $true, @($Constants.DGPolicyGUID)) 

    If "$Group.InvokeSet()" continues to fail for you, try "$Group.psbase.InvokeSet()" instead.

    Good luck!

  • Hello, Dyannic.

    I just tried a the code from that old post using v7.0.2 and it seemed to work just fine for me (with a minor adjustment):

    $Constants = New-Object 'System.Object'
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EDS_CONTROL_FIX -Value 4
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EDS_CONTROL_CHECK_POLICY_COMPLIANCE -Value 5
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DGPolicyGUID -Value "84C1A76B-2A6B-4f4b-837A-22D2CCAC777A"
    $Constants | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR -Value 1
    $Group = [ADSI]"EDMS://CN=Test Dynamic Group,OU=Business Unit1,DC=qsftdemo,DC=com"
    $Group.PutEx($Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, 'member', $null)
    $Group.InvokeSet('Control', $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_FIX, $true, @($Constants.DGPolicyGUID)) 
    $Group.InvokeSet('Control', $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_CHECK_POLICY_COMPLIANCE, $true, @($Constants.DGPolicyGUID)) 

    If "$Group.InvokeSet()" continues to fail for you, try "$Group.psbase.InvokeSet()" instead.

    Good luck!

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