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Configuring a Separate Management History Database

I'm rolling out a new Active Roles 7 infrastructure alongside my production ARS 6.9. In all past ARS versions, I've kept the Configuration and Management History within the same database, e.g. ActiveRoles69.

I'd like to consider separating the two databases above.

Can anyone enlighten as as to all the pros and cons of separate databases?

Has anyone configured separate databases in production and, if so, can you provide any positive or negative feedback from that decision?

Thanks for any commentary.

  • Hmmm. I find I'm suddenly lost and somewhat confused (in my defense, I've not spent a lot of time yet on 7.0)...

    I just initiated a clean install of v7.0 using the wizard.

    After the software installs, the Configuration Center launches (at my request). At the "Database Options" I select "New...":

    Upon the next wizard step:

    The next wizard steps are creating the encryption keys and then the configuration begins.

    Where/How exactly do I configure separate databases? Is it done outside of the Configuration Center?

    Thanks again.

  • Hmmm. I find I'm suddenly lost and somewhat confused (in my defense, I've not spent a lot of time yet on 7.0)...

    I just initiated a clean install of v7.0 using the wizard.

    After the software installs, the Configuration Center launches (at my request). At the "Database Options" I select "New...":

    Upon the next wizard step:

    The next wizard steps are creating the encryption keys and then the configuration begins.

    Where/How exactly do I configure separate databases? Is it done outside of the Configuration Center?

    Thanks again.

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