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Active Roles - Validate no last name

Hello, I am trying to create a process for provisioning service accounts, and I want to ensure that there is no last name field specified; I would like to either enforce a null value or disable (grey out) the last name field completely.

Is that possible?



  • You can certainly create a user provisioning policy on your service accounts OU that, by way of a property validation & generation rule on 'sn' (last name) saying that attribute must be blank.

    You could also manage further this by setting up the logon name (samaccountname) generation rule such that it only looks at the value in givenname (First name) to generate the samaccountname.

    'Hope that helps.

  • You can certainly create a user provisioning policy on your service accounts OU that, by way of a property validation & generation rule on 'sn' (last name) saying that attribute must be blank.

    You could also manage further this by setting up the logon name (samaccountname) generation rule such that it only looks at the value in givenname (First name) to generate the samaccountname.

    'Hope that helps.

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