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Active Roles - Validate no last name

Hello, I am trying to create a process for provisioning service accounts, and I want to ensure that there is no last name field specified; I would like to either enforce a null value or disable (grey out) the last name field completely.

Is that possible?



  • The problem that I have is that I can't figure out how to make the last name blank in the validation rules, it seems to require at least 1 character.  I didn't see an option for last name must be blank, or last name should have 0 characters.

    I don't see the option that allows me to blank out the last name in the validation & gen. rules?



  • The problem that I have is that I can't figure out how to make the last name blank in the validation rules, it seems to require at least 1 character.  I didn't see an option for last name must be blank, or last name should have 0 characters.

    I don't see the option that allows me to blank out the last name in the validation & gen. rules?



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