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Active Roles - Validate no last name

Hello, I am trying to create a process for provisioning service accounts, and I want to ensure that there is no last name field specified; I would like to either enforce a null value or disable (grey out) the last name field completely.

Is that possible?



  • Hello,

    Terrance's solution will work in some cases, but I believe that you will find that it fails if you're attempting to enforce this policy during object (i.e., user) creation.

    In Alex's example, a policy that states "Last Name (sn) must not be {*}" will work great for restricting the ability to edit the Last Name for existing user (service) accounts. The last time I looked at this scenario, however, I found that this solution did not prevent Last Name population when creating a new user object.

    It so happens that I do have some sample code that I put together a while back for restricting which attributes could be edited. Hope you find it useful:

    function onInit($Context) {
      $Param = $Context.AddParameter("Restricted Attributes")
      $Param.Description = "Parameters defined in this list will not be editable."
      $Param.MultiValued = $True
      $Param.Required = $True
    function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request) {
      if ($Request.Class -ne 'user') { return }
      $RestrictedAttributes = @($Context.Parameter("Restricted Attributes"))
      $RestrictedAttributes = @($RestrictedAttributes | ?{$_ -ne $null})
      if ($RestrictedAttributes.Count -lt 1) { return }
      $RestrictedAttributes = @(($RestrictedAttributes[0] -split ';') | ?{$_ -ne ''})
      $RestrictedAttributes | %{
        $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($_, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $True)


  • Hello,

    Terrance's solution will work in some cases, but I believe that you will find that it fails if you're attempting to enforce this policy during object (i.e., user) creation.

    In Alex's example, a policy that states "Last Name (sn) must not be {*}" will work great for restricting the ability to edit the Last Name for existing user (service) accounts. The last time I looked at this scenario, however, I found that this solution did not prevent Last Name population when creating a new user object.

    It so happens that I do have some sample code that I put together a while back for restricting which attributes could be edited. Hope you find it useful:

    function onInit($Context) {
      $Param = $Context.AddParameter("Restricted Attributes")
      $Param.Description = "Parameters defined in this list will not be editable."
      $Param.MultiValued = $True
      $Param.Required = $True
    function onGetEffectivePolicy($Request) {
      if ($Request.Class -ne 'user') { return }
      $RestrictedAttributes = @($Context.Parameter("Restricted Attributes"))
      $RestrictedAttributes = @($RestrictedAttributes | ?{$_ -ne $null})
      if ($RestrictedAttributes.Count -lt 1) { return }
      $RestrictedAttributes = @(($RestrictedAttributes[0] -split ';') | ?{$_ -ne ''})
      $RestrictedAttributes | %{
        $Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($_, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, $True)


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