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Active Roles - Validate no last name

Hello, I am trying to create a process for provisioning service accounts, and I want to ensure that there is no last name field specified; I would like to either enforce a null value or disable (grey out) the last name field completely.

Is that possible?



  • Thanks guys, you guys are the one of the best support orgs I work with.  I think there was a couple parts of this, first I had the wrong character in the mask - {*}.  I was using '()'.  Once I fixed that the policy worked as expected.

    I then created a form on the WI that hid the last name field.

    With the script to hide the fields, we were able to come up with a complete solution for the console as well.  This is exactly what we were trying to do. 

    Thanks for all the help!!


  • Thanks guys, you guys are the one of the best support orgs I work with.  I think there was a couple parts of this, first I had the wrong character in the mask - {*}.  I was using '()'.  Once I fixed that the policy worked as expected.

    I then created a form on the WI that hid the last name field.

    With the script to hide the fields, we were able to come up with a complete solution for the console as well.  This is exactly what we were trying to do. 

    Thanks for all the help!!


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