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Group Members Modification Notification

We are using ARS and Change Auditor in our environment with the integration in place.

Today we get notified of all group membership changes in AD, however we would like a ticket nu,ber against which such change was done. How can we accomplish it?

Please advise.

  • I would create a virtual attribute in ARS on groups - for example, call it edsvaTicketNumberTemp and then setup a provisioning policy that makes this completion of this attribute mandatory.  That way, whenever a group membership is updated, the user making the update must fill in this attribute as well in order for the change to be accepted by ARS.  Once the change has been accepted (e.g. perhaps by way of a notification going out in an ARS workflow that itself was triggered by the membership change), I would then have an activity in that workflow clear this attribute (and possibly copy its value elsewhere) so that the next time that same group is modified, the attribute will be blank and the requirement to complete it will be triggered once again.

    'Hope that all makes sense.