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Workflow If-Else not evaluating as expected

I am looking for help in setting up a workflow, and cannot find any guidance in the documentation.  I am wondering if anyone has come across a scenario like mine and might have some insight.

We have delegated some directory object management tasks to HR, and have a workflow set up with a start condition for any change to any user object to require approval before being applied (we have only recently implemented AR, so want to review changes folks try to make before they are actually made, until everyone is more comfortable with the program).

One exception to this workflow that we would like to make is for unlocking a user accout; we would like HR to be able to unlock a user account, and only send a notification of the action to our IT staff.  However, we have found a little glitch, which is that by including this in our AND conditional group of the IF branch (edsaAccountLockedOut from Requested Changes equals False), any other changes made to that user object is also applied when HR staff save the changes.

So, as an example scenario: Our HR staff unlocks a user's account by clearing the checkbox in the user objects account tab in the web interface, and then also changes their job description on the organization tab, then clicks save.  Because the user account was unlocked, both changes are applied with only a notification being sent.  But because there was also a change to the user object's job description, we would have wanted this change request to require approval.

There is no condition option for 'and no other changes' to include in the IF branch's AND group, or at least I do know of anything to that effect, so I am wondering how I might be able to achieve the desired effect?

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.