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VB Policy Script to Powershell


Not very good with Powershell.. but i just need to convert a simple Policy Script thats written in VB.. to Powershell. can anyone help?


Sub onPreCreate(Request)

If Request.Class <> "user" Then Exit Sub

'Location Specific Information
Select Case LCase(Request.Get("physicalDeliveryOfficeName"))

'Assign Address specific values to varibles
Case "Canada/Vancouver"
Request.Put "l", "Vancouver"
Request.Put "StreetAddress", "1252 Davie"
Request.Put "st", "BC"
Request.Put "co", "Canada"
Request.Put "company","Quest - Vancouver"

Case "Canada/Toronto"
Request.Put "l", "Vaughan"
Request.Put "StreetAddress", "350 King Street"
Request.Put "st", "ON"
Request.Put "co", "Canada"
Request.Put "company","Quest - Toronto"

End Select

End Sub


for the life of me i cant figure out how to convert this to a powershell policy script.

any help is appreciated