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C# equivalent of Deprovision-QADUser

is there an equivalent Deprovision-QADUser in C#.?


  • Hello, Paul.

    You may initiate deprovisioning by setting the edsvaDeprovisionType attribute to the value "1" (listed in the SDK documentation under the topics "user Class" and "Deprovisioning user accounts"). So, the C# version would be something like this:

    using System.DirectoryServices;
    DirectoryEntry user = new DirectoryEntry("EDMS://CN=UserToDeprovision,OU=MyOU,DC=demo,DC=com");
    user.Properties["edsvaDeprovisionType"].Value = "1";

  • Hello, Paul.

    You may initiate deprovisioning by setting the edsvaDeprovisionType attribute to the value "1" (listed in the SDK documentation under the topics "user Class" and "Deprovisioning user accounts"). So, the C# version would be something like this:

    using System.DirectoryServices;
    DirectoryEntry user = new DirectoryEntry("EDMS://CN=UserToDeprovision,OU=MyOU,DC=demo,DC=com");
    user.Properties["edsvaDeprovisionType"].Value = "1";

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