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C# equivalent of Deprovision-QADUser

is there an equivalent Deprovision-QADUser in C#.?


  • Just to add to Shawn's comment...

    Note the way the object bind is prefixed - with "EDMS://"

    This indicates that you are binding to the object by way of the ARS server (and in doing so, getting access to the ARS virtual schema).  In order for this to work, you need to make sure you have the ARS ADSI Provider installed on the machine where you execute this code (that is if you are not running it on the ARS server itself).

  • Just to add to Shawn's comment...

    Note the way the object bind is prefixed - with "EDMS://"

    This indicates that you are binding to the object by way of the ARS server (and in doing so, getting access to the ARS virtual schema).  In order for this to work, you need to make sure you have the ARS ADSI Provider installed on the machine where you execute this code (that is if you are not running it on the ARS server itself).

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