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Generation of Custom Entry Value


we are using ActiveRoles Version 7 and want generate a new custom entry for resource mailbox scheduled options on the web interface.
I have, as described in the Active Roles SDK documentation under point "Creating a Custom Entry", created the entries for edsaWIForms, edsaWIEntries and edsaWIStrings.
Following I add the Get_XXX and Set_XXX procedures to the file '<WI folder>\Public\CustomCode\Entries.vbs.
This worked, but the RegisterAttributeControl method seems not to work.

Does someone has a solution for this problem?

Thomas Welker

Following my Entries.vbs script.

' Put code for your entries here.

Sub Get_KBIT_MailboxResourcePolicy(ByRef objFormContext, ByRef objFormPage)

  Dim strHTML, boolAllowConflicts, strAllowConflictsChecked, boolAllowRecurringMeetings, strAllowRecurringMeetingsChecked, boolScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours, strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHoursChecked, boolEnforceSchedulingHorizon, strEnforceSchedulingHorizonChecked

  boolAllowConflicts = CBool(objFormContext.GetValue("edsva-MsExch-AllowConflicts"))
  boolAllowRecurringMeetings = CBool(objFormContext.GetValue("edsva-MsExch-AllowRecurringMeetings"))
  boolScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours = CBool(objFormContext.GetValue("edsva-MsExch-ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours"))
  boolEnforceSchedulingHorizon = CBool(objFormContext.GetValue("edsva-MsExch-EnforceSchedulingHorizon"))

  If boolAllowConflicts = True Then
     strlAllowConflictsChecked = "checked='checked'"
     strAllowConflictsChecked = ""
  End If

  If boolAllowRecurringMeetings = True Then
     strAllowRecurringMeetingsChecked = "checked='checked'"
     strAllowRecurringMeetingsChecked = ""
  End If

  If boolScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours = True Then
     strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHoursChecked = "checked='checked'"
     strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHoursChecked = ""
  End If

  If boolEnforceSchedulingHorizon = True Then
     strEnforceSchedulingHorizonChecked = "checked='checked'"
     strEnforceSchedulingHorizonChecked = ""
  End If

  strHTML =  _
      "<li style='list-style-type:none'><label><input type='checkbox' id='AllowConflicts' name='AllowConflicts' value='AllowConflicts' " & strAllowConflictsChecked & ">&nbsp;Allow conflicting meeting requests</label></li>" _
    & "<li style='list-style-type:none'><label><input type='checkbox' id='AllowRecurringMeetings'name='AllowRecurringMeetings' value='AllowRecurringMeetings' " & strAllowRecurringMeetingsChecked & ">&nbsp;Allow repeating meetings</label></li>" _
    & "<li style='list-style-type:none'><label><input type='checkbox' id='ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours'name='ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours' value='ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours' " & strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHoursChecked & ">&nbsp;Allow scheduling only during working hours</label></li>" _
    & "<li style='list-style-type:none'><label><input type='checkbox' id='EnforceSchedulingHorizon' name='EnforceSchedulingHorizon' value='EnforceSchedulingHorizon' " & strEnforceSchedulingHorizonChecked & ">&nbsp;Reject repeating meetings that have an end date beyond the booking window</label></li>"
  Call objFormPage.Write(strHtml)

  objFormPage.RegisterAttributeControl "AllowConflicts", "edsva-MsExch-AllowConflicts"
  objFormPage.RegisterAttributeControl "AllowRecurringMeetings", "edsva-MsExch-AllowRecurringMeetings"
  objFormPage.RegisterAttributeControl "ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours", "edsva-MsExch-ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours"
  objFormPage.RegisterAttributeControl "EnforceSchedulingHorizon", "edsva-MsExch-EnforceSchedulingHorizon"

End Sub

' Save value of user four option checkboxes

Sub Set_KBIT_MailboxResourcePolicy(ByRef objFormContext)

  'Dim strAllowConflicts, strAllowRecurringMeetings, strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours, strEnforceSchedulingHorizon, outFile

  ' Retrieve the value passed with the mailbox feature checkboxes
  strAllowConflicts = Request("AllowConflicts")
  strAllowRecurringMeetings = Request("AllowRecurringMeetings")
  strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours = Request("ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours")
  strEnforceSchedulingHorizon = Request("EnforceSchedulingHorizon")

  Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(outFile,True)
  objFile.Write "AllowConflicts: " & strAllowConflicts & vbCrLf
  objFile.Write "AllowRecurringMeetings: " & strAllowRecurringMeetings & vbCrLf
  objFile.Write "ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours: " & strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours & vbCrLf
  objFile.Write "EnforceSchedulingHorizon: " & strEnforceSchedulingHorizon & vbCrLf

  If strAllowConflicts = "AllowConflicts" Then
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-AllowConflicts", True
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-AllowConflicts", False
  End If

  If strAllowRecurringMeetings = "AllowRecurringMeetings" Then
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-AllowRecurringMeetings", True
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-AllowRecurringMeetings", False
  End If

  If strScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours = "ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours" Then
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours", True
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours", False
  End If

  If strEnforceSchedulingHorizon = "EnforceSchedulingHorizon" Then
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-EnforceSchedulingHorizon", True
    objFormContext.SetValue "edsva-MsExch-EnforceSchedulingHorizon", False
  End If

End Sub

  • Hello, Thomas.

    It's been a very long time since I've tried to do anything with Entries.vbs. In looking over your code, however, it appears to me that your objective is to display a number of checkboxes. Perhaps there is some other objective that I'm missing?

    If your goal is to display four new checkboxes, the approach that I would normally take would be to define four new boolean virtual attributes and add those attributes to the form using the "standard", GUI-base web interface customisation (i.e., no need to edit or code in Entries.vbs). Would that approach not suit your needs?


  • Hello, Thomas.

    It's been a very long time since I've tried to do anything with Entries.vbs. In looking over your code, however, it appears to me that your objective is to display a number of checkboxes. Perhaps there is some other objective that I'm missing?

    If your goal is to display four new checkboxes, the approach that I would normally take would be to define four new boolean virtual attributes and add those attributes to the form using the "standard", GUI-base web interface customisation (i.e., no need to edit or code in Entries.vbs). Would that approach not suit your needs?


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