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Automatically Update Proxy Addresses


I am looking for a solution that if a certain criteria is met the Proxy Address of that user is updated with 3 SMTP addresses. So the value of the Proxy Address value must be "SMTP:%UPN

Any ideas on how to achieve this?



  • There's a couple of ways you could do this that both involved an ARS workflow:

    The "right" solution will depend on your criteria and how you determine they are met

    Option 1:

    Run a workflow on a schedule that searches for accounts meeting your criteria and performs the update on the discovered accounts.  Such a workflow would include a search activity and script activity that would be called to update the found objects.

    Option 2:

    This assumes that the criteria are met as a result of a change to an object - for example, someone / something updates the primary SMTP address.

    I think this may be more inline with what you want.

    So at a high level you would do the following:

    Create a workflow that is triggered by a User Attribute modification (that's the start condition) - the modified attribute would likely be "mail" but you can choose whatever makes sense.

    The workflow should contain a script activity that, using Add-QADProxyAddress, will add the additional proxy addresses to your user.  Here's how the script could look:

    Function AddNewProxies ($Request)


    # $Request.GUID captures the GUID of the user being modified that triggered the worklow

    $UPNPrefix = $(Get-QADUser -proxy -identity $Request.GUID -includedproperties edsaUPNPrefix).edsaUPNPrefix

    Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -dontusedefaultincludedproperties | Add-QADProxyAddress -Address $($UPNPrefix + "")

    Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -dontusedefaultincludedproperties | Add-QADProxyAddress -Address $($UPNPrefix + "")

    Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -dontusedefaultincludedproperties | Add-QADProxyAddress -Address $($UPNPrefix + "")


    You would save the above as a "policy script" in your ARS script modules then reference it in the script activity you add to your workflow.  The function to call in this example would be "AddNewProxies"