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Rights needed to remove leavers' Exchange mail box


  I want my help desk admins to remove exchange mail boxes. What rights do I need to grant for that?

  Also is there any way to check which disabled users' mail box is alive?


  • Are you asking how to delegate in ARS or what rights the service account needs?  If you want to delegate this right in ARS but not other rights then create a new access template in

    CN=Access Templates,CN=Configuration

    and nest the Exchange rights out of the box from here

    CN=Exchange,CN=Access Templates,CN=Configuration

    Alternatively look at the permissions in the built in templates and use this to create your own custom rights.

    The advanced options lets you built almost any template you use from just allowing create mailbox to just delete mailbox.

    For the other question you'll need to use the Exchange Cmdlets to interrogate AD.  This is pretty standard Exchange Management so there will be lots of examples on the internet for you to Google.

  • Are you asking how to delegate in ARS or what rights the service account needs?  If you want to delegate this right in ARS but not other rights then create a new access template in

    CN=Access Templates,CN=Configuration

    and nest the Exchange rights out of the box from here

    CN=Exchange,CN=Access Templates,CN=Configuration

    Alternatively look at the permissions in the built in templates and use this to create your own custom rights.

    The advanced options lets you built almost any template you use from just allowing create mailbox to just delete mailbox.

    For the other question you'll need to use the Exchange Cmdlets to interrogate AD.  This is pretty standard Exchange Management so there will be lots of examples on the internet for you to Google.

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