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Create or Move Exchange Mailbox with Workflow


we are using ActiveRoles Version 7.

We want to automate User creation with workflows, but i have problems with the Mailbox creation.

We want to minimize the Rules we are using, so my Test approach is on Policy and after this the Settings are applied to the new user depending of the OU where the user is created.

With Mailbox creation i have tested the following:
1. Workflow sets the attributes mailnickname and homeMDB; in a later Step edsaCreateMsEchangeMailbox --> not working with Error Message "external Mail Address is missing"

2. created a default Policy with automatic creation of the Mailbox in the selected Store, the Workflow sets edsahomeMDB and edsaMoveMailbox "True" --> Error edsahomeMDB is missing

3. created a default Policy with automatic creation of the Mailbox in the selected Store, the Workflow sets extensionAttribute8 with the DN of the correctStore; a second Workflow starts a script which reads the User DN, extensionAttribute8 and mailNickname and starts "Set-QADUser $user -Proxy -ObjectAttributes @{"edsaMoveMailbox"=$true;"edsaHomeMDB"=$strEDSAhomeMDB}" --> Error Access Denied"

When i start a powershell with the User of our ActiveRoles Server Service the command "Set-QADUser $user -Proxy -ObjectAttributes @{"edsaMoveMailbox"=$true;"edsaHomeMDB"=$strEDSAhomeMDB}" works fine.

Does someone has a solution or concept for this ?

Is there some way to delete a moverequest from exchange when it is finished ?


Florian Ballangó

  • Why would you not just configure a ARS policy to control where the mailbox is created? 

    Personally I don't like to hard code anything in scripts because they are loaded guns.  A simple change in the Exchange configuration here will break the script.  In this case that's probably true even if you use ARS policies, you have to remember the dependencies when you make infrastructure changes.  How good if you CMDB?

    Two things I generally do in my script policies are send regular email reports on the scripts including the parameters so hopefully I'll see that a script needs to be updated if there is an infrastructure change and I always use parameters ( using onInit function - does that work for workflows? ) that can be managed in the script / policy object configuration for any "hard coded" values that I'd like to use in a script as at least you can then just update these rather than edit your script when you make a change.

  • Why would you not just configure a ARS policy to control where the mailbox is created? 

    Personally I don't like to hard code anything in scripts because they are loaded guns.  A simple change in the Exchange configuration here will break the script.  In this case that's probably true even if you use ARS policies, you have to remember the dependencies when you make infrastructure changes.  How good if you CMDB?

    Two things I generally do in my script policies are send regular email reports on the scripts including the parameters so hopefully I'll see that a script needs to be updated if there is an infrastructure change and I always use parameters ( using onInit function - does that work for workflows? ) that can be managed in the script / policy object configuration for any "hard coded" values that I'd like to use in a script as at least you can then just update these rather than edit your script when you make a change.

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