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How do I force an ActiveRoles admin to have to re-populate the department field after an AD account move?

We currently have an ARS Policy that means that when one of our Admins is creating a new user account, that they are forced to choose from a set list of departments so that our Outlook Address Book remains clean.

However one of our customer-organizations has user accounts on our AD too -- in a different OU --- and, as you'd expect, they have a different list of departments to choose from.

This means that occasionally we have to move users between the two OUs.  Unfortunately, when this happens the department from the source OU remains 

Is there way of making use of the "onPostMove" event to clear the contents of the "department" field, so that once the account is moved, the administrator is forced to choose a department that meets the policy requirements of the new OU.

I've tried making use of each of the following, but to no avail.

Request.PutInControl("mrc-control-department", 3,"") 


Dim objUser
Set objUser = GetObject(DirObj.ADSPath)


objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "department", ""

but to no avail.

  • Cheers for your suggestion Johnny.  I've setup my first workflow (as per the attached three screenshots) and, if the destination OU **doesn't** have an ARS policy that insists the department field is populated with something (and that that something is from a set list of departments), then it works fine.  But if it does have such a policy, then I get the following error in the ARS servers event log.  I don't suppose you know how I can get the Workflow clearing the field, without watering-down the policy?  This is my first workflow, so I'm probably missing something rather obvious.

    Execution of workflow instance failed.

    Workflow name: Clear Department on particular User Moves

    Operation: Move Object

    Object type: user

    Details: Corporate policy violation. The 'Department' property value does not conform to corporate policy.

    You must specify a value for the property 'department'.

  • Cheers for your suggestion Johnny.  I've setup my first workflow (as per the attached three screenshots) and, if the destination OU **doesn't** have an ARS policy that insists the department field is populated with something (and that that something is from a set list of departments), then it works fine.  But if it does have such a policy, then I get the following error in the ARS servers event log.  I don't suppose you know how I can get the Workflow clearing the field, without watering-down the policy?  This is my first workflow, so I'm probably missing something rather obvious.

    Execution of workflow instance failed.

    Workflow name: Clear Department on particular User Moves

    Operation: Move Object

    Object type: user

    Details: Corporate policy violation. The 'Department' property value does not conform to corporate policy.

    You must specify a value for the property 'department'.

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