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Quest One Active Roles - - Configuration

We have a rather large implementation. Staff has changed much since the original deployment to what is in operations now. Is there any way to "see exactly what Active Roles is controlling / hooked into" in our environment? Can the configuration be "dumped" Basically the original implementers are no longer engaged and we want to see under the hood. Any thoughts or suggestions?

  • You have a couple of options:

    1) The Collector & SSRS-based Knowledge portal can give you report-style information about what policies are in use and what access templates are linked to what OU's.  You need to run the Collector to obtain the raw data in order to run the reports.

    2) You can also use PoSh to interrogate the configuration to see the linked access templates in raw form:



    For policy objects, it's a bit more complicated.

    You would need to use Get-QADObject with the -proxy switch (binding to the container(s) in ARS holding your polices) to get a list of the policies and then obtain these properties of them:


    'Hope this helps.

  • You have a couple of options:

    1) The Collector & SSRS-based Knowledge portal can give you report-style information about what policies are in use and what access templates are linked to what OU's.  You need to run the Collector to obtain the raw data in order to run the reports.

    2) You can also use PoSh to interrogate the configuration to see the linked access templates in raw form:



    For policy objects, it's a bit more complicated.

    You would need to use Get-QADObject with the -proxy switch (binding to the container(s) in ARS holding your polices) to get a list of the policies and then obtain these properties of them:


    'Hope this helps.

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