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Quest One Active Roles - - Configuration

We have a rather large implementation. Staff has changed much since the original deployment to what is in operations now. Is there any way to "see exactly what Active Roles is controlling / hooked into" in our environment? Can the configuration be "dumped" Basically the original implementers are no longer engaged and we want to see under the hood. Any thoughts or suggestions?

  • The trouble is all you will get out are a list of the settings and not the intent of the settings which is really what you want. 

    The real usefulness of a script to enumerate all of that would be to use as a comparison to check what changed in your environment.  It wouild take some time to write I'm sure, probably longer than eyeballing the environment and  making notes. 

    This is a script I use in my environment to document OU delegation and also to use to report on changes although I also use CAAD to capture these.

  • The trouble is all you will get out are a list of the settings and not the intent of the settings which is really what you want. 

    The real usefulness of a script to enumerate all of that would be to use as a comparison to check what changed in your environment.  It wouild take some time to write I'm sure, probably longer than eyeballing the environment and  making notes. 

    This is a script I use in my environment to document OU delegation and also to use to report on changes although I also use CAAD to capture these.

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