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Using a script to assign/create home folder - permissions end up as Full Control to user - Why?

I am using a powershell script to determine the server/shared folder location for a user's home drive.

As part of the onPostCreate it creates the folder and sets the AD attributes.

The permissions are set to 'Modify' by the script, but after creation the user gets Full Control.

What is making this happen?


  • Does your ARS service account have rights to where the home folders live?

    Under the covers, it is possible (depending on what provisioning policies you have in place) that ARS tries to create the home folder when you stamp those attributes.

  • Does your ARS service account have rights to where the home folders live?

    Under the covers, it is possible (depending on what provisioning policies you have in place) that ARS tries to create the home folder when you stamp those attributes.

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