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Client sessions


I need some direction with a policy script to find out consumers of ARS service (web, mmc, adsi etc).. I can get a snapshot of current client sessions under Server configuration, Client sessions and export the data.. However, i would like to capture this information as soon as user connects to ARS.

Thanks in advance.

  • Regardless of the source of the data, I would have an ARS scheduled task script do the interrogation for you.

    IMO, the most direct real-time source of connects to the ARS service is the EDM Server Windows event log - though I have never looked at the details stored in the connect / disconnect events themselves.  Easy enough to interrogate with PoSh and see what you can distill.

    Otherwise, you could just use a script to keep reading the sessions info that you see in the console.  Use Get-QADObject to interrogate the sessions object - you should be able to figure out the properties of the sessions that you get back easily enough.

    Feel free to post your PoSh code and we can help you refine it.

  • Regardless of the source of the data, I would have an ARS scheduled task script do the interrogation for you.

    IMO, the most direct real-time source of connects to the ARS service is the EDM Server Windows event log - though I have never looked at the details stored in the connect / disconnect events themselves.  Easy enough to interrogate with PoSh and see what you can distill.

    Otherwise, you could just use a script to keep reading the sessions info that you see in the console.  Use Get-QADObject to interrogate the sessions object - you should be able to figure out the properties of the sessions that you get back easily enough.

    Feel free to post your PoSh code and we can help you refine it.

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