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Update attribute of "removed user" during "remove member from group"-workflow


I'm desperately trying to update a virtual attribute of a user who is being removed from a group by a workflow.

The current scenario looks like this:

- A command gets triggered in WI that sets a virtual (user) attribute to "true"
- A workflow triggers a PS-scripts that temporarily adds the user to a group and sends a notification
- When the temporal group membership ends, a workflow sends another notification and should set the virtual attribute back to "false", which I cannot get configured somehow...

I've played around with search activities and looked through the SDK to find a way to get it done with a script, but I cannot find the proper syntax...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Concern. ARS Workflow on-Demand engine recognizes *Temp* Group Membership as "external change" controlled by ARS internally on background under the seen and executed under AD\SVC_ARS account (?). Even if it works for Temp group membership now, not sure it is a correct behavior.
  • Concern. ARS Workflow on-Demand engine recognizes *Temp* Group Membership as "external change" controlled by ARS internally on background under the seen and executed under AD\SVC_ARS account (?). Even if it works for Temp group membership now, not sure it is a correct behavior.
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