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Policy script for New computer accounts

We have been running a policy script to create new users for ever :).

The business wants to create random computer names for pre-created computer objects, easy enough in in PowerShell with a uniqueness check.

However using a onprecreate event handler, we get a system violation stating the property is owned by system when we attempt to set the CN. "encountered an error when creating the object 'cn=L538784,OU=Laptop,OU=Quest Test Objects,DC=corp,DC=test,DC=com'. The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800720B1)"

Ideally I would like the policy would  pre populate the computer name when the agent selects new computer of selected OU's.

the original user object script had a policy marker, function onGetPolicyMarker=EDS_APE_TYPE_UNIQUE_NAME

Is there an equivalent for PowerShell and computer objects ?


  • >>>(Exception from HRESULT: 0x800720B1)
    Could you please show your policy script?

    >>Ideally I would like the policy would  pre populate the computer name when the agent selects new computer of selected OU's.

    I would implement a policy script with onGetEffectivePolicyInfo() handler that gererates a unique value for computer name and then sets it as the attrbute value via EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE

  • This is an old post be we are currently having a similar issue. However, this solution appears to be specific to creating objects via the UI. We are creating hosts via SOAP/SPML web requests.

    We would like to have ARS generate a valid computer name based on scripted logic. However, we are unable to change the computer object CN via the onPreCreate event handler. Is there an alternative event handler in which we can accomplish the name generation before the object is created?
  • So you're saying that you're OnPreCreate handler is not getting fired by the SOAP/SPML create request?

    This may be a silly question but is the provisioning policy containing your OnPreCreate policy script actually linked to the location that your SPML call is trying to create the object?
  • Follow-up:

    This rather terse KB would suggest that provisioning polices don't work with SPML requests:

    Suggest you confirm with Support.