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Policy script for New computer accounts

We have been running a policy script to create new users for ever :).

The business wants to create random computer names for pre-created computer objects, easy enough in in PowerShell with a uniqueness check.

However using a onprecreate event handler, we get a system violation stating the property is owned by system when we attempt to set the CN. "encountered an error when creating the object 'cn=L538784,OU=Laptop,OU=Quest Test Objects,DC=corp,DC=test,DC=com'. The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800720B1)"

Ideally I would like the policy would  pre populate the computer name when the agent selects new computer of selected OU's.

the original user object script had a policy marker, function onGetPolicyMarker=EDS_APE_TYPE_UNIQUE_NAME

Is there an equivalent for PowerShell and computer objects ?


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